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Processing aid
Impact modifier
Heat stabilizer
Middle section of Yixi North Road,Linzi,Zibo,Shandong,China


Of some plastic materials and products exports are no longer limited
Since February 1, some plastic materials, plastic products exports are no longer restricted. This is in order to maintain China's foreign trade steady growth, the Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs an adjustment of the processing trade restricted directory.
China's limit of a large number of plastic raw materials and plastic products exports began in 2006. September 15, 2006, plastic products export tax rebate rate from 13 percent to 11 percent by July 1, 2007, the export tax rebate rate down to 5 percent on July 23 the same year, the Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs plastic products included in the new processing trade restricted the export directory.
Experts believe that, previously our plastic raw materials, plastic products, frequent action, showing the clear intent of the regulation of national policy. A large number of plastic products exports, contributed to the employment, development of local economies, but also brought some problems, especially high external dependence of plastic raw materials, price volatility, resulting in higher costs, increasing business risk. The same time, low-tech, low value-added products export volume of foreign trade growth lagged behind growth of more anti-dumping cases. The progressive restriction of plastic exports eased to a certain extent of plastic raw materials supply and demand, optimize the product structure of China's exports, reduce trade friction.
However, the abolition of restrictions on the export of some plastic materials and plastic products, is affected by financial crises in our country, the new adjustment made ​​in the case of the substantial reduction in export trade. In addition to plastic raw materials, plastic products, some wood products and textiles, also limit the export directory. The adjustment is large, involving 1730 Product Code, adjusted 500 commodity code in the restricted category of processing trade into the column.
Zibo Huaxing Additives Co., Ltd. WEB:www.zbhxzj.com E-Mail:hxzj78@126.com
Tel:13561639999 Fax:0533-6292080 Add:Middle section of Yixi North Road,Linzi,Zibo,Shandong,China